Tuesday, 28 January 2020

How does TMJ affect facial muscle?

The temporomandibular joint is located on each side of the head. This connects the jaw to the skull, making it possible to chew, speak, swallow, and open and close the mouth. Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders or TMD are considered to be a group of conditions that would cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles. These muscles control the jaw movement; hence it leads to facial pain. A TMJ disorder can cause pain in the head and neck as well.

Normally, the pain and discomfort caused due to TMJ disorders would be temporary. Hence, it could be relieved with self-care or nonsurgical treatments. Surgery will be suggested as a last resort to treat TMJ disorders.


Causes of TMD

Usually, the reason behind TMJ disorder is unknown. However, the painful TMJ disorder can occur under the following situations:
  • When the disk erodes or moves out of its alignment 
  • When the joint’s cartilage is damaged.
  • When a blow or other impact damages the joint 

Facial muscles & TMJ disorders 

Usually, when people get stressed or due to Obstructive Sleep Apnoea the muscles would get tightened, especially the face and jaw muscles. This would lead to clenching of the teeth both on stress or during night resulting in pain or TMJ disorder. Any physical stress on the face and neck muscles.

TMD can wear down the teeth, disks, and bones. There will be excessive contractions in the muscles that would lead to accumulated muscle tissue. The tightness in the surrounding tissues would lead to poor lymphatic drainage, and at times causes skin conditions such as acne, rash, and cellulite. 

TMD can contribute to changes in the facial structure as the muscles would become disorganized with some overworking. The natural look of the face could be altered when the teeth shift, if a bone loss occurs, or if the bite and jaw are improper or off-balance.

It is crucial to have good circulation and coherence in the various layers of tissue as it would reflect in healthy and glowing skin. 


Normally, the doctor would recommend specific facial exercises to help relieve the pain and to get back the muscles in position. Medications, Orthodontics and splints would also be suggested. Surgery is advised only if there is a complete lock jaw.

At The Right Bite Craniofacial Pain Care, the doctor and his team would provide the necessary treatment that could help relieve the pain caused on the facial muscles due to TMJ disorders.

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