Friday, 1 November 2019

Lethargic all day long? Are you sleeping well enough?

If you are tired one day out of seven, that may be normal. However, if you are tired all day, every-day that could very well be a medical condition. The root cause of constant lethargy in several cases is often a lack of sleep. If you aren’t well rested during the night, your body simply will not have the energy for the coming day, after all, the very point of sleep is to act like a recharge mode of the body.

Now, you need to analyze why exactly it is that you aren’t getting enough sleep. If you’ve been facing severe pain in your neck, head and to some extent your teeth then it is likely you are afflicted by a condition known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.

Temporomandibular Joint is the joint that connects our upper and lower jaw. All the joints in our body begin to wear out at some point. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is the condition wherein this particular joint begins to wear out causing pain in facial joint area, the teeth due to night grinding, neck and head. This may also manifest itself in the form of migraines.The discomfort caused by Temporomandibular Joint Disorder has been known to disturb the sleeping pattern in many patients.
mandibular joint Disorder

If you or anyone you know may be experiencing these symptoms, please do reach out so we can get to the root of the problem and provide solutions.

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Reviewed By : Dr Rajesh Raveendranathan
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