Many people suffer from persistent ear pain even after trying medication and being ruled out any chances of having an ear infection. If you are one among them who have tried all sorts of medication and treatment options with minimal or no results, then your next consultation should be with a Temporomandibular Joint Specialist.
What Is TMJ?
The Temporomandibular Joint is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. It is the joint that helps in the movement of the jaw which allows in chewing, eating and talking. When the joint is injured or damaged it leads to pain or disorder called Temporomandibular Joint syndrome (TMJS) or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). TMJ is often called as “great imposter” because it shares so many symptoms with other conditions.
Causes Of TMD
- Misalignment of teeth or jaw
- Poor posture
- Teeth grinding
- Stress or anxiety
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Orthodontic braces
- Improper Dental implant or prosthesis.
TMD And Ear Pain:
Nearly 80% of people with TMD report ear symptoms with ear pain, ear fullness, tinnitus being the most common symptom. Ear pain due to TMD and ear infection often share overlapping symptoms that make it hard to diagnose the actual cause. The symptoms include:
- A sensation of ear fullness
- Tinnitus or buzzing in the ears
- Ear Pain
- Diminished hearing
However there are certain differentiating conditions to distinguish between an ear infection and TMD. An ear infection is not so common in adults compared to children; an infection is more likely if they have recently recovered from cold or flu. Moreover, people often experience discharge and odour coming from the ears which are not in the case with TMD. If none of the symptoms are present, the other signs to diagnose it as a TMD include:
- Aching ear pain accompanied by head and neck pain
- Difficulty or pain while chewing
- Locking of the joints making it difficult to open or close mouth
- If the symptoms are persistent and do not respond to antibiotics
- Aching facial pain
If you think TMD might be causing ear pain and other related symptoms book an appointment with The Right Bite Craniofacial Pain Care center, the only firm in India that promotes Neuromuscular Dentistry. They offer a permanent solution to the problem trough their copyrighted treatment regimes.
Reviewed By : Dr Rajesh Raveendranathan
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